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Full documentation:

Quick Start:
  1. Download, install and run RiVo
  2. Surf to RiVo's site on your server
  3. Add a channel under 'channels'
  4. Go to 'preferences' to enable a plugin
  5. Enable the OSS-plugin for direct sound
  6. Under 'player-control' click 'start_live' to start listening
  7. Under 'player-control' click 'pause' to start time-shifting

RiVo's interfaces:
Once you got RiVo running on your server, 2 different interfaces are available:
  1. You can use your favorite browser Konqueror to surf to RiVo's site on your server. This is quite a user-friendly interface.
  2. You can also telnet to the rivo-server ("telnet localhost 2002"). This way you can command RiVo manually (for real men). Don't forget to logout as soon as possible since the telnet session blocks the RiVo port.

Description of RiVo's web-interface:
  • Channels
    Under 'channels' you can define your channels / presets. Channel-information is used a lot in RiVo. You can add, edit and remove channels with the buttons at the bottom of the channels-page.

  • Programs
    Here you can add programs you want to record. It's just like programming a vcr. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to add, edit or remove progams.

  • Periodic Programs
    Periodic programs are just like normal programs. However periodic programs are capable of repeating themselfs. For example: if you want to automagicly record everyday's news, enter it here.

  • Audiofiles
    This page lists the previously recorded programs (called audiofiles). You can download or remove them with the buttoms on the bottom.

  • Preferences
    Here you can enable and disable the available plugins. The 'stream' plugin sends audio-data to the Icecast-server. Make sure you've got it running before enabling this plugin. The 'OSS' plugin sends audio directly to /dev/dsp. Furthermore there is a 'arts' plugin, which can be used to send audio to the KDE arts audio server.

  • Radio Control
    This lets you control your radio directly. You can start/stop listening to, start/stop recording from, pause and resume any channel.

  • Audiofile Player
    Here you can start playing previously recorded audiofiles.

  • Buffer Control
    Here you can control the buffer used for time-shifting. This is done through a Java-applet which connects to the RiVo server on a different port; not very stable yet.

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